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Vol. 30 (2023), Artículos, pages 4-19
Submitted: Oct 24, 2022 Accepted: Feb 11, 2024 Published: Dec 31, 2023
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Introduction: The covid-19 school contingency plans constituted an institutional planning and information device of great relevance as they tried to provide an adapted response of each centre to the situation of uncertainty generated by the pandemic, minimising as much as possible the impact of this situation and enabling educational activities to continue in a safe manner.

Method: The aim of this study was to carry out an analysis of the different contingency plans of secondary schools in Santander (Spain) for the 2020-2021 academic year, the first school year to begin during the pandemic. For this purpose, we have obtained all possible contingency plans and we have analysed them in a comparative table, differentiating 80 variables. 

Results: The results confirm that most of these documents are solid and allow us to deal with the pandemic situation, although some present certain problems or shortcomings, such as not being up to date or not contemplating all the measures to be implemented to address the teaching-learning process in these circumstances.

Conclusions: With their constant work and planned response, the centres have been able to guarantee health and safety in the centres in the face of covid-19. The contingency plans have helped to cope with the pandemic and to respond to the eventuality of the circumstances.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Álvarez, C., & Insua-López, M. (2023). Covid-19 Contingency Plans in Secondary Schools: comparative analysis. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 30, 4–19.