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  • Ángel Sáenz-Badillos Universidad Complutense, Madrid
Fiftieth Anniversary, Articles, pages 133-162
Submitted: Jan 28, 2020
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A panoramic perspective on the studies that have been carried out during the last half century on the literary work of the Jews of the lberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. Analysis of the progress attained in the knowledge of authors and texts, of the literary, linguistic, and historical studies that have helped to understand the work of the peninsular Jews in their sociological and cultural environment, with allusion to institutions, editorial houses and periodicals that have contributed to support these studies, and to the new manuscripts accessible during the last decades. Mention of sorne advances in the knowledge of Hispano-Hebrew poetry and prose, with attention to editions of texts, studies ofthe poetic and narrative techniques, and concrete problems that have deserved particular attention on the part ofthe researchers, concluding with sorne desiderata in this field.


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Sáenz-Badillos, Ángel. The Study on Hispanic-Hebrew Poetry and Prose in the Last Fifty Years. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 50, 133–162.