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Vol. 72 (2023), Recensiones, Páginas 237-240
Recibido: Dec 26, 2023 Aceptado: Dec 26, 2023 Publicado: Dec 27, 2023
Derechos de autor Cómo citar


Ferre, Lola (2023), Isaac Israelí’s The Definition of Fever and Its Essence in Its Hebrew Translations: The First Treatise of The Book on Fevers: Accompained by Arabic, Latin and Old Spanish Editions and English Translation. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-60618-115-7.


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Cómo citar

Ruiz Callejón, E. (2023). Ferre, Lola (2023), Isaac Israelí’s The Definition of Fever and Its Essence in Its Hebrew Translations: The First Treatise of The Book on Fevers: Accompained by Arabic, Latin and Old Spanish Editions and English Translation. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 72, 237–240.