Zaragoza´s High Court Masterplan. Methodology and structure


  • Sergio Sebastián Franco



Master Plan, Zaragoza´s High Court, Palace of Luna, Palace of Morata´s Count, Palace of Giants, Aragón´s Justice Court


Zaragoza´s High Courts building is one of the most beautiful and magnificent examples of the XVI century civil architecture in Aragon. During 2015 a refurbishment master plan has been redacted according to an ad hoc methodology that takes into account the building´s current use and all its particularities. The structure of the plan is based on the “yesterday, today, and tomorrow” of the palace, comprising its antecedents, present state and future interventions. Its contents have been organized in 11 thematic notebooks, some of which deal with specific subjects while other link all questions regarded. The purpose of the plan is to be an agile, useful and practical document, offering a poliedric vision that allows its use in all the intervention grades, from small maintenance reparations to big future and complex projects.


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How to Cite

Sebastián Franco, S. (2017). Zaragoza´s High Court Masterplan. Methodology and structure. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (19), 5–21.


