The memory of the industrial past. Preservation, adaptive reuse and creation of new facilities


  • Natalia Tielve García Profesora Titular de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Oviedo


Industrial Heritage, Preservation, Refurbishment, Adaptive Reuse, New facilities


Since the 1970s, especially in those European regions that became industrialised long time ago, different initiatives have been fostered with the purpose of preserving and reusing industrial complexes, usually leading to the creation of cultural facilities. In this paper we analyse several experiences on preservation and adaptive reuse of Industrial Heritage, developed both internationally and in Spain, particularly those related to the National Plan for Industrial Heritage (Plan Nacional de Patrimonio Industrial). We also study the particular case of the Principality of Asturias, concerning the current state of the legal protection of the industrial elements, as well as the refurbishing interventions that have already been tackled.


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How to Cite

Tielve García, N. (2017). The memory of the industrial past. Preservation, adaptive reuse and creation of new facilities. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (19), 72–99. Retrieved from


