Territorial heritage: some insights about its understanding and enhancement


  • José Mª Feria Toribio Universidad Pablo de Olavide


Territorial heritage, River basin scales, Sustainable development, Latin America and Spain


This paper poses a set of contributions about the notion of territorial heritage and its enhancement for sustainable development. Territorial heritage is a complex and non straightforward notion, and for that reason is necessary to set out the conceptual basis and the methodological framework that has been used for its understanding. Later, this approach is tested in four study cases with different sources and characteristics. Conclusions show the relevance of this approach in their different territorial scenarios but also evince numerous weaknesses, mainly in the lack of an integrated and systemic understanding and in its enhancement for sustainable development.


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Author Biography

José Mª Feria Toribio, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Catedrático de Geografía Humana. Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

How to Cite

Feria Toribio, J. M. Territorial heritage: some insights about its understanding and enhancement. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, 200–224. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/erph/article/view/18335


Heritage and development