The influence of postmodern taste in conservation of contemporary art


  • Carlota Santabárbara Morera Doctoranda en Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Restauradora de Bienes Culturales por la Escuela de Restauración de Barcelona


Conservation of Contemporary Art, Restoration criteria, Aesthetic taste, Contemporary aesthetics


Postmodern culture is predominantly visual, we live by and for the image, the taste for beauty transcends all areas of our society and our culture, and restoration could not escape this influence, so we propose to review how the concepts of beauty and visual perfection have moved to the art world and therefore their conservation, and have altered decisively the current criteria in restoration.


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Author Biography

Carlota Santabárbara Morera, Doctoranda en Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Restauradora de Bienes Culturales por la Escuela de Restauración de Barcelona

Doctoranda en Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Restauradora de Bienes Culturales por la Escuela de Restauración de Barcelona


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How to Cite

Santabárbara Morera, C. (2015). The influence of postmodern taste in conservation of contemporary art. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, 23–36. Retrieved from


