Glass jars, bananas, and flies: gender, emotions, and practices of Drosophila genetics




emotions, body, oral history, women history, Drosophila genetics


Bananas and glass jars were and are components of the material culture of Drosophila genetics. These hybrid (material, sensory and emotional) objects circulated between the field and the laboratory and among the classrooms, research stations, and kitchens of those who dedicated themselves to studies of heredity and evolution. They also circulated through time and geographic space as they became part of the collective knowledge of the community of Drosophila geneticists and the memories of their daughters and sons. The combination of written, objective, conceptual and, above all, oral, subjective and emotional sources brings them to life along with the activities and practices of those who used them, almost always women; they have not been erased from these emotional records as they have been from institutional records. Norms also appear, such as gender norms, which surrounded people at the time of the experience and influenced their value judgments about the objects, practices and identities of those who carried them out. Thus, by studying the practices and objectsof a discipline such as Drosophila genetics, this article aims to contribute to the construction of a more inclusive history of genetics, to the history of women scientists and to studies on the role of emotions, the body, and memory in the construction of historical knowledge.


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How to Cite

Velasco Martín, M. (2023). Glass jars, bananas, and flies: gender, emotions, and practices of Drosophila genetics. Dynamis, 43(2), 429–458.