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  • Gema Cárdenas Alonso Universidad de Extremadura
  • Ana Nieto Masot Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 59 No. 2 (2020), Articles, pages 5-27
Submitted: May 13, 2019 Accepted: Oct 3, 2019 Published: May 8, 2020
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Throughout the history of the European Rural Development Policy and the LEADER (Liaisons entre activitiés de Developement de L’Economie Rural) Approach, the Regulation that heads them has experienced changes in order to provide greater support for the development of the most disadvantaged European rural areas. Currently, the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) finances this aid, which is immersed the Programming Period 2014-2020 with certain changes compared to the previous one. Thus, this paper intends to analyze the role of LEADER in the current Programming Period and to know how the territorial distribution of it is. It will be possible to see how there are differences in the operation of the LEADER Approach and how demographic and socioeconomic variables continue to act as location factors of rural development investments in Extremadura.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Alonso, G., & Nieto Masot, A. (2020). The LEADER Approach in the new EAFRD 2014-2020 in Extremadura. Cuadernos Geográficos, 59(2), 5–27.