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  • William Bello Sánchez Facultad de Geografía. Universidad de La Habana
Vol. 52 No. 1 (2013), Articles, pages 153-177
Submitted: Jun 29, 2013 Published: Jun 29, 2013
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The present work searches in a deep way to know the lacks and limitations that people of the third age present in an aged society. Link to this,  we evaluated the reach of the institutions and initiatives that offer attention to old people, according to the areas where the old men are more limited for demographic, economic and social conditions. Given the multiplicity in ways of attention and variety of institutions (the State, the Church, the Office of the Historian of the City and different Non Governmental Organisms) that offer attention to old people, it is chosen as fundamental area of study the Historical Center of La Habana. The investigation takes as theoretical reference the concept of vulnerability, so you can evaluate the depth of the phenomenon of the aging, and the group of capacities or inabilities that people of the third age present in the territory. The results that at spatial level experienced the Historical Center of La Habana, following the different levels of the old people social-demographic vulnerability, were compared with the areas where they influence the initiatives and institutions that pay attention to the old people.


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Bello Sánchez, W. (2013). Sociodemographic Vulnerability of the Elderly People. Case Study: Havana Historical City Center. Cuadernos Geográficos, 52(1), 153–177. Retrieved from