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  • Marta Martínez Arnáiz Universidad de Burgos
  • Fernando Molinero Hernando Universidad de Valladolid
Vol. 58 No. 3 (2019): II International Conference in Rural Geography / XIX Coloquio de Geografía Rural, II International Conference in Rural Geography, pages 169-194
Submitted: Mar 1, 2019 Accepted: Sep 12, 2019 Published: Dec 18, 2019
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The vineyard occupies a small area in the world, but creates striking, lasting, often spectacular agricultural landscapes, usually accompanied by wine presses and wineries. The modernization of its cultivation, the growing demand for quality wines and the rise of wine tourism have created a new agrarian landscape, enhanced by institutional and social recognition. The European Landscape Convention has contributed to highlight its values, but, faced with the doubts of the administrations to incorporate their recommendations, private initiatives have emerged seeing in the landscape an opportunity to reinforce the identity of their wines. The article analyses the growing value of the brand image (winescape) in the vineyards of the Douro in Castilla y León.


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Martínez Arnáiz, M., & Molinero Hernando, F. (2019). The heritage value of the landscape as a quality image in the commercial strategy of the Douro wine regions. Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(3), 169–194.