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  • Antonio Luís García Ruiz Universidad de Granada
  • Juan Jesús Lara Valle Universidad de Granada
Vol. 44 (2009): 1, Articles, pages 193-232
Submitted: May 19, 2013 Published: Jun 19, 2009
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The LOGSE incorporated Geography, as independent subject to the Baccalaureate and to the entrance examinations. This paper analyzes the adequacy of tests to the curricula; its characteristics and valuation of results in the District of Granada. Analysis is based on examinations made between 2000 and 2008, average notes obtained, interviews in groups of discussion and a survey to between specialist professors.


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García Ruiz, A. L., & Lara Valle, J. J. (2009). The teaching of geography in high school: facts and considerations on its results in selectivity. Cuadernos Geográficos, 44, 193–232. Retrieved from