Stakeholders in agricultures today Argentine pampas. Some inputs for typping
Main Article Content
Vol. 44 (2009): 1, Articles, pages 171-191
Submitted: May 19, 2013
Published: Jun 19, 2009
The social actors of the agro pampeano of Argentina are changing in the contex of the transformation in the economic structure of this country. The actors are modifing their characterists, socio-productive profile, and the role in the provision of the traditional factors of production: land, capital and labor, so the preexisting tipologies are more complex.
This paper is a contribution for the understanding of the social trama in the agro pampeano argentino, in the context of the capitalism. Social categories are identified for a construction of a social agrarian tipology.
Agro Pampeano of Argentine, Agrarian capitalism, Social actors, Agrarian tipology
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How to Cite
Bustamante, M., & Maldonado, G. I. (2009). Stakeholders in agricultures today Argentine pampas. Some inputs for typping. Cuadernos Geográficos, 44, 171–191. Retrieved from