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  • Andrea Urgilez Clavijo Universidad del Azuay
  • Montserrat Gómez Delgado Universidad de Alcalá
  • Pablo Barreira González Pablo Barreira González, es PhD y MSc en Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica e Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía por la Universidad de Alcalá. Sus líneas de investigación se han centrado en la modelización de sistemas complejos tales como el crecimiento urbano a través de autómatas celulares empleando estructuras irregulares. Dentro de las mismas ha abordado diferentes etapas del proceso de modelización como es la calibración, la validación a través de análisis de sensibilidad o la determinación de diferentes métodos de comparación de mapas. Entre sus contribuciones más importantes destacan: (2015) Partial validation of cellular automata based model simulations of urban growth: An approach to assessing factor influence using spatial methods. Environmental Modelling & Software. (2015). From raster to vector cellular automata models: A new approach to simulate urban growth with the help of graph theory. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. (2017). Configuring the neighbourhood effect in irregular cellular automata based models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. (2017). Implementation and calibration of a new Irregular Cellular Automata based model for local urban growth simulation: the MUGICA model.Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
Vol. 58 No. 3 (2019): II International Conference in Rural Geography / XIX Coloquio de Geografía Rural, Articles, pages 326-348
Submitted: Jul 30, 2018 Accepted: Mar 1, 2019 Published: Dec 18, 2019
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This work presents a Sensitivity Analysis (SA), as part of a validation process that is applied on an urban growth Cellular Automata (CA) based-model with irregular structure (MUGICA, Model for Urban Growth simulation using an Irregular Cellular Automata). This model has been developed to simulate urban growth of three municipalities located in an important industrial corridor (Corredor del Henares) in the central area of Spain. Although the methodology employed in this work has already been applied in models based on a raster structure, it is intended to verify its viability in the previous simulation phase, that is, in the calibration period (2000-2010) in a model of irregular structure such as MUGICA, which uses the cadastral plot as reference unit. This procedure aims to explore the degree of influence of each of the parameters on the results of the model, individually and as a whole. For this purpose, a successive elimination of the parameters is performed to evaluate if the absence of one or several of them implies a significant alteration of the results. The results show, firstly, the viability to apply this methodology in a vector environment. On the other hand, it has been possible to verify the significative influence of the suitability and accessibility factors in the development of urban land, as would be expected in a model of these characteristics.


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Urgilez Clavijo, A., Gómez Delgado, M., & Barreira González, P. (2019). Sensitivity Analysis applied on an urban growth cellular automata based-model with irregular structure. Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(3), 326–348.