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  • Carmen Egea Jiménez Universidad de Granada
  • José Antonio Nieto Calmaestra Instituto de Cartografía de Andalucía de la Consejería de Obras Públicas y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía
  • Javier Domínguez Clemente Universidad de Granada
  • René A. González Rego Universidad de La Habana
Vol. 45 (2009): 2. Sociodemographic and Environmental Vulnerability, old and new risks, Articles, pages 83-105
Submitted: May 8, 2013 Published: Dec 8, 2009
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This article analyzes the city of Granada to study the zones more worked against by its conditions of habitability, in a while of strong remodeling and city-planning growth, in which Granada projects with an image of developed city, where there are manifestations of inequality by questions of habitability from the population.

The phenomenon is not new nor exclusive of Granada, that is an example of which the cities are places where the differences and the inequalities are a consubstantial characteristic to their physical and social configuration. They are old realities in new contexts that they invite to ask itself for the places in which «less amiable» conditions of habitability survive. This article tries to respond to this exposition considering that a relation between aggravated urban spaces exists and underprivileged population, with the risk of becoming vulnerable groups if the present models of development do not consider these differences and inequalities.


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Egea Jiménez, C., Nieto Calmaestra, J. A., Domínguez Clemente, J., & González Rego, R. A. (2009). Old and new urban realities. Identification of underprivileged habitability areas in Granada city. Cuadernos Geográficos, 45, 83–105. Retrieved from