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  • Issam Bougarn Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences de Rabat, Département des Sciences de la Terre, laboratoire Géosciences, Eau et Environnement (LG2E).
  • Ilias Kacimi Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences de Rabat, Département des Sciences de la Terre, laboratoire Géosciences, Eau et Environnement (LG2E).
  • Azzeddine El Midaoui Université Ibn Tofaïl, Faculté des Sciences de Kénitra, Département de chimie, Laboratoire précédés de séparation.
  • Nadia Kassou Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences de Rabat, Département des Sciences de la Terre, laboratoire Géosciences, Eau et Environnement (LG2E).
  • Moad Morarech Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences de Rabat, Département des Sciences de la Terre, laboratoire Géosciences, Eau et Environnement (LG2E).
  • Rachida Daghmoumi Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences de Rabat, Département des Sciences de la Terre, laboratoire Géosciences, Eau et Environnement (LG2E).
Vol. 58 No. 2 (2019), Articles, pages 34-47
Submitted: Feb 12, 2018 Accepted: Nov 4, 2018 Published: Jul 10, 2019
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The Drader Souiere basin is a part of the hydrological basin of Sebou that is known by a high agricultural activity. The work aims to establish the relationship between sedimentary filling and aquifer facies distribution as well as to provide a new approach to interpretation, interpolation and identification. In this paper, a methodology that combines, a geological field and boreholes data with geophysical data (tomography, logging and seismic), is adopted and integrated, in a Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to establish isobaths map of Tortonian-Messinian marls bedrock, to determine the sequential position of Pliocene-Quaternary aquifers and to highlight the roles of deep structures in these aquifers arrangement. Tortonian-Messinian marls constitute the basin substrate; deposited on the Pre-Rif layers, from where he inherits his structuration, in the form of NW-SE ripples (an anticlinal-synclinal succession). The Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentary filling by paleo-channels, sea level oscillations and Miocene syn-sedimentary tectonics, give to the basin a «piano keys» geometry with various sedimentary environments. The most important aquifers of the basin match the regressive sea level periods of Zanclean and middle-upper Pleistocene. These new data provide other perspectives to quantitative research by hydrodynamic modeling of the water resources basin.


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Bougarn, I., Kacimi, I., El Midaoui, A., Kassou, N., Morarech, M., & Daghmoumi, R. (2019). Contribution of geophysics to determine the sedimentary filling and aquifers levels position within Dradere Soueire coastal basin (North Western Morocco). Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(2), 34–47.