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  • Remedios Larrubia Vargas Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Málaga.
  • Juan José Natera Rivas Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Málaga
  • Susana Rosa Navarro Rodríguez Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Málaga.
Vol. 58 No. 2 (2019), Articles, pages 306-327
Submitted: Feb 5, 2018 Accepted: Jul 31, 2018 Published: Jul 10, 2019
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The increase of foreign immigrants registered in the municipality of Malaga has been constant, and sharply increased, since the end of the nineties. However, there is very little research that focuses in clarifying the perception that the Spanish population has about their volume and spatial distribution in the municipality of Malaga. This research aims to partially fill this gap; In order to achieve that, we compare the real rates of foreigners and their spatial distribution (using data from the Municipal Register of Inhabitants), with the perception that this reality has the university students; information that has been obtained from surveys. Our findings indicate that the perceptions of the weight of foreign immigration is beyond reality; and, besides that, there is a tendency towards locating foreigners in the urban tissue according their supposed economic capacity.


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Larrubia Vargas, R., Natera Rivas, J. J., & Navarro Rodríguez, S. R. (2019). University student´s perception on spatial distribution of inmigrants in the urban tissue. An exploratory analysis on Malaga. Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(2), 306–327.