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  • Pedro Pérez Cutillas
  • Jesús Pilar Amado Álvarez
  • Elsa Fabiola Segovia Ortega
  • Carmelo Conesa García
  • Juan José Alarcón Cabañero
Vol. 58 No. 1 (2019), Articles, pages 47-67
Submitted: Dec 4, 2017 Accepted: Mar 2, 2018 Published: Apr 9, 2019
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The development of human activities has led a perceptible environmental degradation in the Conchos river basin. Several factors, such as deforestation, changes of land uses, overgrazing and chemical water pollution from agricultural activities, have influenced this damage. However, the main source of degradation of the surface water of this basin is discharges of urban and industrial waste water. Results from the water analyses show very low values of dissolved oxygen, with average level of 4.06 mg L-1, and high rates of turbidity, which in some cases reached the 980 NTU. In conclusion, the findings of this study show the need of a change in agricultural management and the improvement of integrated management system in the treatment of urban and industrial wastewater, in order to reach more appropriate levels of water quality, which currently they pose a serious risk to public health.


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How to Cite

Pérez Cutillas, P., Amado Álvarez, J. P., Segovia Ortega, E. F., Conesa García, C., & Alarcón Cabañero, J. J. (2019). Environmental degradation and its effects on the pollution of surface water in Conchos river basin (Chihuahua - Mexico). Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(1), 47–67.