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  • Lilia Susana Padilla y Sotelo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Alicia Díaz Torres Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Vol. 46 (2010): 1, Articles, pages 181-207
Submitted: Mar 19, 2013 Published: Jul 19, 2010
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Altamira is one of the four main ports of Mexico together with Manzanillo, Lázaro Cárdenas and Veracruz. Located in the Gulf of Mexico it registers important commercial movement. It is connected with the east of United States, with Europe and America of the South. It is part of a metropolitan area; it has an industrial park of first level in an industrial corridor that embraces three towns in a conurbation. Starting from these connotations the objective of the work is to know its territorial reach. With this end they are considered: the geographical localization that confers him strategic character; the analysis perspective to guide the study; the factors that gave place to their development; their influence area through the countries with those that has contact for their import activity and export, what allows to know their territorial reach and for I finish their competitiveness in the global scale.


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Padilla y Sotelo, L. S., & Díaz Torres, A. (2010). Reach territorial of the industrial port de Altamira, Mexico: Articulations of movement of import and export. Cuadernos Geográficos, 46, 181–207. Retrieved from