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  • Gerardo Andrés Denegri Universidad Nacional La Plata
  • Fernanda Julia Gaspari Universidad Nacional La Plata
Vol. 46 (2010): 1, Articles, pages 93-110
Submitted: Mar 19, 2013 Published: Jul 19, 2010
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The purpose of this paper are to present a comprehensive assessment of major environmental problems arising from soil erosion and expose the main guidelines for the formulation of system of Payment for Environmental Services PSA. Methodologically, we proceeded to characterize the study area, quantify soil loss by superficial hydric erosion, describe the productive activities, know the main consumers of water, identify the main actors in the system, and recognize environmental services, that can be included in a system of PSA. The basin has a strong erosion process in some areas and difficulties in the supply of water to the population. There is a process of land conversion from livestock to agriculture and to rural tourism. We conclude that the basin has conditions that make possible the implementation of a PSA system, because it detected two feasible environmental services to be trade: water and landscape, with growing demand and there are actors and institutions that make its run feasible.


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How to Cite

Denegri, G. A., & Gaspari, F. J. (2010). Guidelines for the provision of payments for environmental services. Case study: high Sauce Grande River basin. Argentina. Cuadernos Geográficos, 46, 93–110. Retrieved from