Residential construction and government of the territory in Spain. Speculative bubblerecession. Causes and consequences
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Vol. 47 (2010): 2. The state of spatial planning in Spain, Articles, pages 17-46
Submitted: Mar 16, 2013
Published: Dec 16, 2010
For over a decade Spain has opted for a growth model unbalanced in the housing sector was a very outstanding. The Spanish company now sees more clearly the consequences present and future of the collapse of the speculative bubble in real estate. Economic, territorial, environmental, social and political. From those related to excessive dependence on economic activity employment at the residential construction sector, to loss irreversible referrals of our collective history and culture, from the development of episodes of «policy capture», especially in the local and regional level. A lengthy process that has led to corruption town planning and an increase in episodes of bad policy where reputation Spain has been hit. These pages are devoted to the analysis of causes behind the Spanish property model, and above all, the consequences, underlining the importance of social contexts political and institutional.
unbalanced growth, housing bubble, recession, social contexts, local and regional level, new culture of the territory
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Romero, J. (2010). Residential construction and government of the territory in Spain. Speculative bubblerecession. Causes and consequences. Cuadernos Geográficos, 47, 17–46. Retrieved from