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  • Pedro Dorta Antequera Universidad de La Laguna
  • Abel López Díez Universidad de La Laguna
  • Jaime Salvador Díaz Pacheco Universidad de La Laguna
Vol. 57 No. 2 (2018), Articles, pages 27-52
Submitted: Apr 18, 2017 Accepted: Dec 9, 2017 Published: Jul 25, 2018
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The Canary Islands are located in a climatic region of interest, being part of Macaronesia in the Southeast zone of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a geographic area composed by islands where the meteorological information is scarce, particularly on the length of the available time series. The scientific publications which started to analyse this data had not appear until very recently as supplement of the existent global models. An overview of these works and the analysis of extreme events have allowed validating relevant changes on some of the climate elements, mainly the temperature which manifests a well-defined increase; and also the rainfall but in a minor degree. Moreover, increments on the sea level and changes in parameters like the pressure, the relative wet, the wind, and the Saharan dust advections are showed. Finally, an analysis on tropical events allows inferring a likely future of climatic tropical features as summer rainfall or tropical storms.


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Dorta Antequera, P., López Díez, A., & Díaz Pacheco, J. S. (2018). The global warming in the Southeast region of the North Atlantic Ocean. The case of Canary Islands. State of the art and further perspectives. Cuadernos Geográficos, 57(2), 27–52.