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  • María Teresa Zapiain Aizpuru Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Vol. 48 (2011): 1, Articles, pages 79-108
Submitted: Mar 16, 2013 Published: Mar 16, 2013
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The aim of this article is to take part in the current debate about the different ideas which lead us to the maintenance and development of a territory with its own identity. To reach that goal, and considering the different meanings established by the concepts space, territory and landscape, and their inseparable relationship with the culture and identity, on its first part, the article shows a theoretical proposal of interpretation about the identity processes linked with the territory as a social construction. Later, some of the main results about empirical research performed on the «Vega de Granada» are presented. It has been investigated there the influence about certain socioeconomic and cultural changes on the identification with the territory. It concludes emphasizing the significance of this kind of approaches for the success of the distribution and territory development plans, suggesting not just the analysis of the physical or sectorial dimensions of the territory, but also its meaning as a place.


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Zapiain Aizpuru, M. T. (2013). Identity reflections in the contemporary territory. The collective construction of place. Case of study of the Vega de Granada. Cuadernos Geográficos, 48, 79–108. Retrieved from