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  • Gustavo D. Buzai Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Vol. 57 No. 1 (2018), Articles, pages 155-176
Submitted: Feb 18, 2017 Accepted: Apr 28, 2017 Published: May 8, 2018
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The impact of urbanization in rural land-use is a subject of great current importance, mainly when analyzing the regions in which this process influences in primary productive activity and natural conditions that provide important environmental services. In Argentina, the Rolling Pampa Ecoregion (Pampean region) is one of the main agro-productive zones of the world. In it there is a great urban growth through Greater Buenos Aires and medium-size cities. The present work models urban growth to the future (2016-2030) in the Municipality of Luján and its impact in zones with agro-productive and environmental conservation aptitude through the use of quantitative spatial analysis with Geographical Information Systems. The results obtained can be considered a tool of great importance for spatial decision making in the definition of lineaments in regional land-use planning.


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How to Cite

Buzai, G. D. (2018). Urban Growth and Land-Use Conflict in The Municipality of Luján (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). Spatial Modeling 2016-2030. Cuadernos Geográficos, 57(1), 155–176.