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  • Eugenio Cejudo García Doctor en Geografía. Dpto. de Geografía Humana de la Universidad de Granada.
  • Francisco Antonio Navarro Valverde Profesor Contratado Doctor Interino de Geografía Humana de la Universidad de Granada.
  • José Antonio Camacho Ballesta Doctor en Economía (1997), Director del Instituto de Desarrollo Regional y profesor de Economía Internacional y de España de la Universidad de Granada.
Vol. 56 No. 2 (2017), Articles, pages 155-175
Submitted: Sep 25, 2016 Accepted: Feb 11, 2017 Published: Aug 3, 2017
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The involvement and the benefit of existing disadvantaged groups in rural areas in the LEADER approach and development programmes (RDP), is a priority and necessity. In this paper we study who were the final beneficiaries of the RDP, and within them, if those one have been sufficiently taken into consideration. It is analyzed, on the one hand, the quantitative information of the actions for the programming period 2000-2006 to the 52 Local Action Groups (LAG) existing in Andalusia, and secondly, to deep in further, it has been asked to LAG managers about the profile of the beneficiaries and the problems identified in the application. The results reveal that there was a negative discrimination, in practice, to disadvantaged groups and rural areas. It becomes necessary, therefore, a change of direction and a refocusing on those one.


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Cejudo García, E., Navarro Valverde, F. A., & Camacho Ballesta, J. A. (2017). Profile and main characteristicsof the final beneficiaries of Rural Development Programmesof Andalusia. LEADER+ and PRODER2 (2000-2006). Cuadernos Geográficos, 56(2), 155–175. Retrieved from