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  • Nicolás Ortega Cantero Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Vol. 55 No. 2 (2016), Articles, pages 6-27
Submitted: Nov 16, 2015 Accepted: Apr 22, 2016 Published: Dec 23, 2016
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Within the group of Spanish writers of the so-called Generation of ‘98, all interested in the landscape and its relations with national identity, Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) occupied a prominent place. He approached the landscape through an extensive practice of excursions, and he offered in his work valuable images, geographically solvents, with explanation and understanding, and with important metaphorical and symbolic dimensions, connected with his patriotic and national horizon. This article considers the main features of this Unamuno’s Spanish landscape vision.


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Ortega Cantero, N. (2016). The assessment of the landscape in Unamuno: geographical keys and symbolic dimensions. Cuadernos Geográficos, 55(2), 6–27. Retrieved from