Characterisation of variations in the flows of use of the cycling ring in the in the historic centre of the city of València
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The aim of the study was to validate the use and to understand the operation of a cycling infrastructure in the historic centre of València that was intended to make urban mobility more sustainable. Based on data on the average daily intensity of users on the bike-track over the six years of operation, the moving average method was used to estimate the flows, the trend, and to determine seasonal and random variations in order to understand the patterns of sustainable and active mobility by bicycle in the València cycle ring.
The main result is the identification of monthly cycling mobility patterns in the historic centre ring and estimates of usage. The decomposition of the overall flow of users into trend components, cyclical variation and accidental variation allows characterising the monthly demand for the cycleway.
In turn, the analysis has made it possible to graphically represent the seasonal mobility cycles and wave complexes that explain how cycling mobility develops in the historic centre in a paradigmatic infrastructure widely requested by the city’s cycling advocacy groups.