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Vol. 62 No. 2 (2023), Mujeres con Ciencia en la Geografía española, pages m72-91
Submitted: Jul 12, 2023 Accepted: Sep 14, 2023 Published: Oct 16, 2023
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This is an approach to territorialised agri-food systems from the perspective of Geography and Spanish women geographers. Its framework is the SAMUTER project (Multifunctional and territorialised agri-food systems in Spain, PID2019-105711RB-C62), which in turn is part of a broader programme on agriculture, landscapes, heritage and development. The sources are Spanish Geography journals and other journals specialised in rural and agrarian issues: a total of 20 journals (265 issues and 2820 articles) corresponding to the period 2018-2022, analysed and divested following a methodology designed specifically for this purpose. The discussion of the results highlights the versatility of these studies and their geographical assumption, also taking into account the specific contributions of female authorship and the gender perspective. The conclusion is that particular Spanish geographical contribution to territorialised agri-food is oriented towards territorial and landscape issues and far from the hard core of these studies; it also reveals the masculinity of the authors and the weak or almost non-existent incorporation of the gender perspective.


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How to Cite

Silva-Pérez, R., & González-Romero, G. (2023). Spanish contributions to territorialized agri-food in a geographical and gender perspective. Cuadernos Geográficos, 62(2), m72–91.