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Vol. 63 No. 1 (2024), Articles, pages 220-240
Submitted: May 15, 2023 Accepted: Jan 9, 2024 Published: May 20, 2024
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The main objective of this work is to describe the structure and conservation status of the forest of Prosopis flexuosa and Prosopis chilensis around Huaco and in the adjacent basin of the Bermejo River (department of Jáchal, San Juan). Currently, this genus has changed its name to Neltuma. To this end, baseline information for the conservation and sustainable management of these little-studied native forests was generated from an inventory that took into account dasonomic parameters such as conservation status and tree form. This information is linked to a forest typology based on satellite image classifications. The results are expressed in a proposed classification of four native forest types for this locality and its surroundings. This classification includes, in addition to the characteristics of the area covered by native forest, the identification of the different uses and disturbances that have impacted it in recent decades. Finally, different management and land-use planning proposals for these forests in northern San Juan are preliminarily discussed.


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Gil, A., Alvarez, J. A., Rojas, F., Cesca, E., Alvarez, L., Zalazar, G., Fili, J., Agüero, M. L., & Villagra, P. E. (2024). Conservation status of algarrobo forests in La Ciénaga and Huaco (San Juan Province, Argentina): a contribution to the territorial planification of native forests. Cuadernos Geográficos, 63(1), 220–240.