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  • Romina Sales Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas (IADIZA) - CONICET Mendoza - Instituto Regional de Planeamiento y Hábitat (IRPHA)-UNSJ-CONICET
  • Aixa Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Instituto Regional de Planeamiento y Hábitat (IRPHA) e Instituto Geofísico Sismológico Volponi (IGSV)
  • Agostina Grígolo Instituto Geofísico Sismológico Volponi (IGSV). Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (FCEFN) - UNSJ- CONICET
  • Flavia Tejada Instituto de Geología Dr. Emiliano P. Aparicio (INGEO) - UNSJ
  • Romina Naranjo Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño (FAUD) - UNSJ
  • Alejandra Albarracín Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño (FAUD) - UNSJ
  • Valentina Alday Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño (FAUD) - UNSJ
  • Ana Maria Blanco Avila Instituto Regional de Planeamiento y Hábitat (IRPHA)-UNSJ-CONICET
Vol. 62 No. 2 (2023), Articles, pages 50-68
Submitted: Mar 8, 2023 Accepted: May 24, 2023 Published: Jun 1, 2023
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Participatory mapping is widely used as a tool for incorporating citizen participation. However, in drylands in Latin America, participatory mapping with children for disaster risk reduction (DRR) has not yet been widely developed. This article reflects on participatory mapping as an effective tool for incorporating children’s participation in DRR. The Tierra del Fuego school (San Juan, Argentina) was selected as a case study. The results indicate that children show interest in presenting their perceptions incorporating the spatial dimension. It is concluded that participatory mapping is a useful tool for incorporating children’s environmental perceptions into the design of risk management strategies that promote children’s rights.


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How to Cite

Sales, R., Rodríguez, A., Grígolo , A., Tejada, F., Naranjo, R., Albarracín, A., Alday, V., & Blanco Avila, A. M. (2023). Environmental risk in drylands: participatory mapping with primary school students. The case of La Rinconada, San Juan (Argentina). Cuadernos Geográficos, 62(2), 50–68.