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Vol. 63 No. 1 (2024), Articles, pages 265-280
Submitted: Feb 22, 2023 Accepted: Sep 13, 2023 Published: May 22, 2024
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The objective of this work was to analyze the urban crime complexity, taking as a case study the border city of Mexicali, capital of the state of Baja California, which, according to the Peace Index in Mexico, for four consecutive years has been placed as the least pacific. For this purpose, three indicators from economic analysis were used: location quotient, ubiquity and diversity, using the records of crimes that occurred in the period 2015-2019. The results show the existence of spatial patterns of crime diversity and stability in some districts of the city characterized by highly ubiquitous crimes, which overlap each other, generating areas with criminal diversity that remain stable over time. In this way, public insecurity covers the entire urban space, as a result of an environment in which high levels of impunity and the multiplier effect of organized crime prevail.


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How to Cite

Ley García, J., & Denegri de Dios, F. M. (2024). Crime diversity and stability in a mexican border city. Cuadernos Geográficos, 63(1), 265–280.