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Vol. 62 No. 1 (2023), Articles, pages 208-232
Submitted: Nov 7, 2022 Accepted: Feb 6, 2023 Published: Feb 27, 2023
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2022 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the approval of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, an event that marked the beginning of recent consideration of cultural heritage. During this period, industrial heritage has become a relevant issue in Spanish scientific studies, but conditioned by its diffuse conceptualization, within the framework of a controversial discipline -Industrial Archeology- and with a study object of complex methodological delimitation, chronological and thematic. In this context, scientific research on the legacy of contemporary industrialization in Spain has grown exponentially in recent decades and yields interesting conclusions about the nature of the different studies, their territorial and thematic distribution or the various branches of knowledge that have participated in them. This process. This work carries out a bibliometric study on the more than 1,600 works published on this issue in these fifty years and allows obtaining results about how, when and from what perspectives the study of Spanish industrial heritage has been approached.


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Andrés López, G., & Soria Cáceres, C. H. (2023). The study of industrial heritage in Spain: fifty years of analysis on the legacy of contemporary industrialization (1972-2022). Cuadernos Geográficos, 62(1), 208–232.