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  • José Menor Toribio Departamento de Territorio y Patrimonio Histórico. Universidad de Jaén
Vol. 30 (2000), Articles, pages 415-430
Submitted: Mar 28, 2014
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The rural spaces of the developed occidental societies have been passing a number of complex transformations, one of the most distinguishing of whick is transition of its most important function of production of foods. All a variety of new no-productivist functions demanded for postindustrial societies that they are effecting differentment acording theirs owns caracteristiques. In a periurban space, like the Vega de Granada, it is the phenomena of contraurbanisation which is provoking the transition of the land uses and the transformation of the traditional functions of this rich irrigated lands. In this paper we are tryng to find out what could be the possible strategies of development of this space for its adaptation in the most adecate form to the postproductivist epoc which attends it in the nearest future.


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Menor Toribio, J. (2014). Reflexions about the productive and postproductive models in the Vega of Granada. Cuadernos Geográficos, 30, 415–430. Retrieved from