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  • Fernando Fernández Gutierrez Universidad de Almería
  • Francisco Jiménez Bautista Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos de la Universidad de Granada
Vol. 30 (2000), Articles, pages 263-280
Submitted: Mar 28, 2014
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This article is part of a wider study referring to the city of Granada and surrounding areas. Here we focus on the main present-day urbanistic problems, especially the drawbacks that at present concern Granada: its inconveniences, residential satisfaction. urban insecurity, preferential and dangerous no-go areas, and much more that helps us to understand exactly what life in the city involves. A survey of 1.938 Granada residents over the age of 18 was carried out, which was considered to be the most adequate form of pinpointing opinion as regards urban space. The main conclusion is that the personal, residential and subjetive preferences of Granadas population are in accord with similar studies carried out in other Spanish cities, in spite of the citys high degree of well-being.


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How to Cite

Fernández Gutierrez, F., & Jiménez Bautista, F. (2014). Preferences, conflicts and territorial uses in the city of Granada. Cuadernos Geográficos, 30, 263–280. Retrieved from