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  • Yolanda Jiménez Olivencia Instituto de Desarrollo Regional. Universidad de Granada
  • Mª Teresa Camacho Olmedo Instituto de Desarrollo Regional. Universidad de Granada
  • Antonia Paniza Cabrera Dpto. de Territorio y Patrimonio Histórico. Universidad de Jaén
  • Pilar García Martínez Dpto. de Territorio y Patrimonio Histórico. Universidad de Jaén
  • José Alfonso Menor Toribio Dpto. de Territorio y Patrimonio Histórico. Universidad de Jaén
Vol. 32 (2002), Articles, pages 25-42
Submitted: Mar 26, 2014
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In this article the tendencies of change and/or stability are described that show the vegetable communities in the High Alpujarra. For it has been elaborated it an evolutionary cartography based on different sources that allow the study of this landscape mountainous vegetable along the second half of the XX century until our days. The generated sequential cartography has been overturned later on a GIS, what has allowed the presentation of different thematic maps that they reflect the tendency of the change, the exchange rate or the period in that this transformations take place. In particular three analysis lines have differed: the dynamics that they show the arboreal formations; the evolution continued by the bushes and herbaceous; and lastly the paper played by the campaigns of forest repopulation.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Olivencia, Y., Camacho Olmedo, M. T., Paniza Cabrera, A., García Martínez, P., & Menor Toribio, J. A. (2014). Evolutionary dynamics of vegetal landscape in the Alta Alpujarra during the second half of the 20th century. Cuadernos Geográficos, 32, 25–42. Retrieved from