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  • Francesc Xavier Roig I Munar Director Técnico del Servicio de Gestión del Área de Medio Ambiente del Consell Insular de Menorca
Vol. 33 (2003), Articles, pages 61-73
Submitted: Mar 25, 2014
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Menorca has experienced a growing popularity with regard to nautical tourism, as shown by saturated coles and beaches in the summer. The large number of boats found in some coastal spots can generate serious environmental problems on the Posidonia oceanica prairies, as well as on loading capacity and perception among the beach visitors.


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Roig I Munar, F. X. (2014). An analysis on the frecuency of marine and recreative tourism on the maritime environment of the Menorca island. Cuadernos Geográficos, 33, 61–73. Retrieved from