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  • Ana Nieto Masot Área de Geografía Humana, Dpto. de Geografía. Universidad de Extremadura
  • José Luis Gurría Gascón Área de Geografía Humana, Dpto. de Geografía. Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 36 No. 1 (2005): La población española: nuevo siglo, nuevos datos, nuevos perfiles, Articles, pages 479-495
Submitted: Mar 4, 2014 Published: Mar 4, 2005
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In Extremadura, since the decade of 90, it has been established the Common Initiative named LEADER and the Program PRODER with the purpose to generate a Model of Rural Development, Integrated, Endogenous and Innovator managed by Groups of Local Action in the rural zones with greater socioeconomic imbalances. These zones present besides problems as the abandonment of their population toward more developed zones and with greater opportunities of employment, the consequent aging of their population, an excessive employment agrarian and a low incomes level. We will analyze by means of the two last Censuses of Population (1991-2001), the influences that have been able to cause these Initiatives in the possible changes in the demographic tendencies. Thus, we have utilized a System of Geographical Information (GIS) elaborated in the Department of Geography of the University of Extremadura, introducing to it the data previously mentioned


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Nieto Masot, A., & Gurría Gascón, J. L. (2005). Analysis of the populantion of the programs of rura development in Extremadura by means of G.I.S. Cuadernos Geográficos, 36(1), 479–495. Retrieved from