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  • Ligia Sáchez Tovar Universidad de Carabobo
  • Juan Carlos de Pablos Ramírez Universidad de Granada
Vol. 36 No. 1 (2005): La población española: nuevo siglo, nuevos datos, nuevos perfiles, Articles, pages 291-306
Submitted: Mar 4, 2014 Published: Mar 4, 2005
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It is investigated about the perception of the inhabited space (neighbourhood) in order to identify the aspects of which subjectively they are associated to the quality of life. Through a qualitative methodological approach, with the technique of focal groups, the meaning is explored that has the district for its settlers. From the speech self-reflective, of the subjects, the ambivalences and the sense granted to the inhabited space are identified. It is shown that the neighbourhood constitutes a determining factor in the meaning of the quality of life of the settlers, not only by the physical-environmental aspects that characterize to it, but in addition by the cultural components that form it. With integration to the neighbourhood the property feeling is promoted and mechanisms of participation in activities directed to the conservation settle down, revitalization and development of the neighbourhood.


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Sáchez Tovar, L., & de Pablos Ramírez, J. C. (2005). The neighborhood seen by its settlers. Search of significant elements for de quality of life. Cuadernos Geográficos, 36(1), 291–306. Retrieved from