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  • Mª Jesús González González Universidad de León
  • Mª Luisa de Lázaro y Torres Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 36 No. 1 (2005): La población española: nuevo siglo, nuevos datos, nuevos perfiles, Articles, pages 35-49
Submitted: Mar 2, 2014 Published: Mar 2, 2005
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This paper tries to show in a graphic manner the spatial distribution of immigrant population in Spain, as well as its characteristics according to age, country of origin, etc. We have used the last Census, which is a fundamental source of information for the study of Spanish population. On top of the descriptive data obtained from this source, we have analysed the causes and consequences of the current situation, as well as the future perspectives within the scope of application of the new Immigration Act.


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González González, M. J., & de Lázaro y Torres, M. L. (2005). Localization of immigrant population in Spain according to the population Census 2001. Main characteristics. Cuadernos Geográficos, 36(1), 35–49. Retrieved from