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  • Jesús Enrique Andrades-Grassi Universidad de Los Andes
  • Ledyz Cuesta-Herrera Universidad Católica del Maule
  • Guillermo Bianchi-Pérez Universidad de Los Andes
  • Hilda Cristina Grassi Universidad de Los Andes
  • Juan Ygnacio López-Hernández Universidad de Los Andes
  • Hugo Torres-Mantilla Universidad de Santander
Vol. 60 No. 1 (2021): Turistificación, sobre-turismo y transformaciones urbanas. Debates sobre la especialización turística y sus consecuencia, Articles, pages 279-294
Submitted: Jun 14, 2020 Accepted: Oct 19, 2020 Published: Oct 27, 2020
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Disease mapping seeks to represent the risk of a disease. This paper focuses on the spatial analysis of risk for pandemic COVID-19 in Europe and the Mediterranean. Morbidity and mortality data for 54 countries in ratio format were used. Two hypotheses were considered, the first one is that the data are homogeneous and the second one is that the ratios are defined in a heterogeneous manner requiring the stratification on the basis of covariables and the methodology of Jenks’ intervals. Spatial risk models were applied as well as methods for the representation of clusters. The results show that the best representation is obtained with the Poisson-Gamma Model under stratification. The variations in the ratios are due to the individual policies of each country for the management of the pandemic. The cluster analysis shows that there is a high mortality process in Eastern Europe. The behavior of the pandemic should be evaluated in the space-time process as well as in other heterogeneous and highly unequal regions.



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Andrades-Grassi, J. E., Cuesta-Herrera, L., Bianchi-Pérez, G., Grassi, H. C., López-Hernández, J. Y., & Torres-Mantilla, H. (2020). Spatial analysis of risk of morbidity and mortality by COVID-19 in Europe and the Mediterranean in the year 2020. Cuadernos Geográficos, 60(1), 279–294.