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  • Gemma Molleví Bortoló CERVIN-MSHA. Université de Bordeaux
  • David Serrano Giné Servei de Gestió i Evolució del Paisatge. Departament de Geografia Física i Anàlisi Geogràfica Regional. Universitat de Barcelona
Vol. 40 (2007): 1, Articles, pages 133-148
Submitted: Aug 13, 2013 Published: Jul 13, 2007
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The plague of the phylloxera was found by the first time in Spain in the province of Malaga. From Malaga the disease dispersed by different areas of Andalusia with relative fastness. The information we have about it is diverse. The reports compiled by the French diplomacy in Andalusia, give new data on the subject, and constitute a new source of information that complements to the classic bibliography.


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Molleví Bortoló, G., & Serrano Giné, D. (2007). The phylloxera`s impact in Andalucia according to the french diplomacy. Cuadernos Geográficos, 40, 133–148. Retrieved from