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  • Javier Iván Soledad Suescún Instituto de Paz, Conflictos y Democracia. Universidad de Pamplona
Vol. 41 (2007): 2. Society and Territory in Latin America, Articles, pages 173-189
Submitted: Aug 12, 2013 Published: Dec 12, 2007
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Every manifestation of migratory movements including both forced and voluntary migration reflect inequalities and imbalances between territories and social groups. In fact, migratory movements which occur in a voluntary way especially international ones have drawn more attention, by analyzing the impact on the countries of arrival. Undoubtedly countries like Colombia where all possible migratory directions occur (e.g. internal, immigration and emigration) are not common, some one of the most dramatic migrations and also the least known outside of Colombia, are those which occur in a forced and involuntary manner. In this case territory as a space of power, to a large extent explains and justifies, this mobility.

Thus, this paper attempts to explain forced internal displacement characteristics in Colombia, in the context of one of the conflicts which by its «tradition» is called a low-intensity conflict, and is also known as the Colombian conflict.


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Soledad Suescún, J. I. (2007). The forced migration: displacement of the population in Colombia. Cuadernos Geográficos, 41, 173–189. Retrieved from