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  • Joan Nogué Director del Observatorio del Paisaje de Cataluña y catedrático de Geografía Humana de la Universidad de Girona
  • Pere Sala Coordinador técnico del Observatorio del Paisaje de Cataluña
Vol. 43 (2008): European Landscape Convention. Practical developments, Articles, pages 69-98
Submitted: Jul 29, 2013 Published: Dec 29, 2008
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The Landscape Catalogues of Catalonia are a new instrument used to incorporate landscape into the formal categorization of territories and is a key element to facilitate the connection between territorial and urban planning at the political level. The catalogues define the concrete strategic and directive lines that can improve landscape quality in Catalonia as well as the quality of life for its citizens. They also represent a powerful educational tool that will play an important roll in the immediate future in raising awareness concerning the importance of landscape. In this article, we iterate the importance of activating these instruments by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonian, the organization in charge of their production.


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Nogué, J., & Sala, P. (2008). Landscape in Urban Planing. The Landscape Catalogues of Catalonia. Cuadernos Geográficos, 43, 69–98. Retrieved from