Focus and Scope

Cuadernos Geográficos is a scientific journal, which was published annually from 1971 to 2004. Since 2004 it has been published once every six months, two issues a year, one of which is monographic; in issue number 51-2 in 2012 the journal was published for the first time in digital format rather than on paper.

The scientific editors of the Journal are the Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography and the Department of Human Geography of the University of Granada.

Its main objective is the scientific dissemination of articles and book reviews, which further the development of Geographic Science. These contributions can be from the field of geography or related sciences, and from anywhere in the world. Texts for the different sections will be accepted in Spanish and English.

The assessment of articles will be performed in two phases: an initial phase of internal assessment by the Associate Editors and the second phase of external evaluation according to the double peer system. The acceptance of contributions to other sections of the Journal will be the responsibility of the group of Associate Editors.


The opinions expressed in the different pieces of work are the exclusive responsibility of the authors thereof.

The total or partial reproduction of any of the published texts is permitted, providing that the source text is correctly cited.

Journal Range

International: Geographic Sciences.


Geographers and researchers (Regional Planning, Enviormental Studies and other sciences related to Geography).

Languages accepted for publication

  • Spanish
  • English

Relationship between authors and the journal

Confidentiality of identity

The identity of the author/s submitting a manuscript for evaluation and possible publication will be held in confidentiality by the director, secretary and members of the editorial board pending publication and will remain anonymous if the article is rejected.

The names and e-mail addresses given to Cuadernos Geográficos will be used exclusively for the purposes expressed by the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.

Manuscript confidentiality

When the manuscripts are in the review/evaluation process, they will not be used in any other way under any circumstances by any person involved in the process until they are published, where applicable.

Manuscripts rejected for publication will be kept on file in the Cuadernos Geográficos manuscript archive. In no case will they be used by any member of that publication.

Ethical conduct in research and publication

It is the duty of the journal to detect and report the following unethical practices:

  • Fabrication, falsification or omission of data in the study.
  • Plagiarism: authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission for the partial reproduction of material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and to cite their source correctly. This permission must be obtained from both the author and the publishing house that published the material.
  • Duplicate publication: this consists of publishing an article or study that has essentially already been published. This contravenes international laws on copyright, professional ethics and the profitable use of resources.
  • False authorship: the list of contributing authors must only include those people who made an intellectual contribution to the work.
  • Conflicts of interest: the journal expects authors to declare any commercial or personal association that could create a conflict of interest related to the submitted text.
  • Violation of human or animal rights and laws during the study.

Declaration of Authorship, Originality and Publication Rights

All authors must declare their compliance with each and every one of the points that articulate this Declaration of authorship, originality and publication rights.
For this, each author certifies, with respect to the manuscript submitted to the journal Cuadernos Geográficos, published by the Department of Regional Geographical Analysis and Physical Geography, and the Department of Human Geography of the University of Granada:

  • That he/she has contributed directly to the intellectual content of the article, for which he/she takes full responsibility for all purposes.
  • That he/she approves the contents of the manuscript that is being submitted to the editorial process of Cuadernos Geográficos, and therefore agrees that his/her name should appear as Author thereof.
  • That the content of this article has not been published and neither does it appear in any other article that is about to be published.
  • That he/she undertakes not to submit the manuscript to any other publication for consideration while a decision is being taken as to its publication in Cuadernos Geográficos, or afterwards if it is accepted for publication.
  • That he/she has not had, nor does he/she have today, any personal or financial relationships that could lead him/her to add a particular slant or bias to the main body or the results of the article.
  • That a mention has been given in the acknowledgements section to all those people who have contributed in a substantial way to the work and have granted their permission for said mention.
  • That he/she undertakes to provide, when required to do so by the journal, access to the data and the sources on which the article is based.
  • That he/she will participate actively in making all changes in style, and correcting all spelling or typing mistakes that may be necessary for the publication of the article when notified to this effect by the journal’s editorial team.
  • That he/she has not infringed, and will not infringe the law on human or animal rights during the process of research and publication of this article.
  • That none of the institutions in which he/she performs his/her scientific and research work has objected to the publication of the manuscript being submitted for consideration.
  • That all the details and references to previously published research have been correctly identified with the respective credit and included in the bibliographic notes and in the quotations presented as such, and when required, have the necessary authorizations from those who own the property rights.
  • That the materials are free of any copyright and that he/she shall be liable in any litigation or claim relating to intellectual property rights, releasing Cuadernos Geográficos from all liability.
  • That in the event that the article is approved for publication, he/she authorizes the publishers, for an unlimited period, to include said article in Cuadernos Geográficos and to reproduce, publish, distribute, exhibit and announce it in Spain and abroad in printed, electronic, CD, Internet and any other media known today or that may appear in the future.

There are two ways to declare such conformity:

The journal will not publish a manuscript without acceptance of the terms of this Declaration by each and every one of the authors.

Internal Regulations of the Journal Cuadernos Geográficos


Granada, 5 April 2013


The Journal Cuadernos Geográficos was created in 1971 on the initiative of a group of professors and researchers with links to the Geography Department at the University of Granada.

In 2013, the management and editorial bodies of the Journal decided to review its Regulations in order to achieve the following objectives:

  • Ensure that the Journal continues to consolidate its position as a vehicle for the study and dissemination from a scientific perspective of research on geography, territorial planning and the environment.
  • Adapt the Journal (structure, information, presentation) to the specifications set out in the ISO standards for scientific periodicals.
  • Bring the general to a wider national and international audience by implementing the Open Journal System.


Article 1: The Journal Cuadernos Geográficos (hereinafter C.G.) will be published with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2012-5462.

Article 2: The head office of the Journal will be in the Geography Departments located in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada.

Article 3: The contents of the Journal will cover any topic related to geography in its broadest sense. For this purpose it will accept articles, summaries of research, documents and book reviews, which must necessarily be original and which make contributions to science in their particular field of knowledge.

Article 4: The Journal is specifically aimed at university researchers and scholars and in a general sense at all those people interested in broadening their knowledge of geography and associated sciences.

Article 5: The Journal will be published by the Geography Departments of the University of Granada (Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, and the Department of Human Geography). All those public or private institutions that engage in long-term specific collaboration projects or provide some kind of resources that enable the Journal to accomplish its objectives may also form part of the Journal under the title of Collaborating Entities.


Article 6: The Journal will have three issues a year to be decided in advance by the group of Associate Editors.

Article 7: The Journal will be available in its entirety in an electronic version on the Journal’s website and will also be accessible from the journals portal of the Editorial de la Universidad de Granada (Granada University Press). It will be managed using the Open Journal System.

Article 8: The Journal will be published in Spanish and English.


Article 9: The Journal will have the following committees:

  • Management Committee.
  • Associate Editors.
  • Advisory Committee.
  • Honorary Committee.


Article 10: The Management Committee will be responsible for the Journal and its general orientation and will deal with all financial, administrative and organizational matters.

Article 11: The Management Committee will be made up of holders of the posts of Editor and Secretary of the Journal.

Article 12: The Management Committee will be responsible for taking all those decisions that may be required in relation to the Journal and in particular:

a)    The drafting of financial plans, the frequency with which it appears and other aspects of its publication.

b)   The supervision of management and administrative work.

Article 13: The Management Committee shall meet at least once every three months.


Article 14: The Editor of the Journal C.G. will be appointed by the Associate Editors from amongst the lecturers (PhDs) of the Geography Departments (Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, and Department of Human Geography). He or she will have a mandate of four years which may be extended.

Article 15: Should the position of Editor of the Journal fall vacant, the leaving Editor, or failing him/her the Secretary of the group of Associate Editors will call an extraordinary meeting of the group to elect a new Editor. In the announcement of the meeting, the formal proposal or presentation of candidates will be requested in the ten days following the announcement. Any lecturer (with a PhD) from the Geography Departments may stand or be proposed for the position of Editor of the Journal C.G. The meeting, which cannot be held until at least a month has elapsed since its announcement, will begin with the presentation of the different candidates. The election will take place by secret vote, and in order to be elected the new editor will require an absolute majority in the first vote and a simple majority in the second. In the event of a draw, and after any speeches that the chairperson deems fit to accept, the vote will be repeated as many times as may be necessary.

Article 16: The Editor of the Journal will be responsible for the management and the production of the Journal, for representing it, and for all other tasks delegated to him/her by the group of Associate Editors. His/her main duties will be:

1. To chair the group of Associate Editors.

2. To represent the Journal at all levels.

3. To work to ensure the execution of the decisions taken by the group of Associate Editors.

4. To submit the Annual Report on Activities and the Annual Budget to the group of Associate Editors for their approval. The Annual Budget must first be approved by the respective Departmental Committees.

5. All those duties not allocated to other committees of the Journal C.G.

Article 17: The Editor of the Journal C.G. will cease to hold this post due to:

  1. Completion of the mandate for which he/she was appointed.
  2. Resignation, which must be presented in writing to the group of Associate Editors.
  3. Revoking of the appointment by the group of Associate Editors.


Article 18: After listening to the opinions of the Editor, the group of Associate Editors will appoint two Secretaries (Peer review and Edition) from amongst its 8 members.

Article 19: The Secretaries of the Journal, who will also be the Secretaries of the Management Committee and of the group of Associate Editors, will assist the Editor in his/her management and production duties and will bear witness to the decisions and agreements reached at the meetings of the different committees of the Journal. The Secretaries will have the following duties:

1. Act as Secretaries of the group of Associate Editors, take the minutes of its meetings and bear witness to its decisions.

2. Organize the office of the Journal C.G. safeguarding its materials.

3. Perform all those tasks that may arise for the publication of the Journal.

4. Assist the Editor with his/her duties, replace him/her temporarily in the performance of his/her duties and perform all those specific tasks commended to him/her by the group of Associate Editors.

5. Handle all Subscriptions and Exchanges.

Article 20: The Secretaries of the Journal C.G. will cease to hold the post due to:

  1. Completion of the mandate for which he/she was appointed.
  2. Resignation, which must be presented in writing to the group of Associate Editors.
  3. Revoking of the appointment by the group of Associate Editors.


In these cases and when it is impossible for any Secretary to continue with their duties, the Editor of the Journal C.G. will freely designate a member of the group of Associate Editors to act as Secretary (before being designated this person must have agreed to accept the post), until a new appointment is made.


Article 21: The group of Associate Editors of the Journal C.G. will be made up of its Editor, eight associate editors chosen from amongst the lecturers (PhDs) from the Departments of Geography (Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, and Human Geography), in equal numbers, from amongst their lecturers (PhDs), and up to a maximum of ten external lecturers and/or researchers proposed by the same departments; within this parity there will also be parity between the sexes.

Article 22: The main duty of the group of Associate Editors will be to schedule the content of the Journal, for which purposes it will be responsible for the selection and initial review of original articles and will suggest the changes it may deem fit in terms of the structure, composition and format thereof. This group will also advise the Management Committee on questions that fall within its remit when requested to do so.

Article 23: The duties of the Associate Editors are:

1. Decide on the structure, composition and format of the Journal C.G.

2. Schedule the content of the Journal, selecting for this purpose those original articles it considers suitable.

3. Supervise and safeguard the formal and scientific quality of the Journal C.G.

4. Establish specific areas of related contents and appoint members of the group to run them.

5. Approve the rules for the sending and acceptance of original manuscripts.

6. Approve the Annual Budget.

7. Elect the Editor and the Secretaries.

8. Choose the external researchers who will make up the group of Associate Editors and the Advisory Board.

9. When applicable, the appointment of Collaborating Entities.

10. The signing of collaboration agreements between the Journal and other institutions thought to be of interest.

11. Approve any changes to the Internal Regulations of the Journal and any other documentation relating to the Journal and the regulation of its editorial process.

12. Attend meetings of this body and decide at these meetings on the provisional and definitive acceptance of the original pieces presented or their return to their authors.

13. Select an external reviewer to draft the corresponding report on each original article presented.

Article 24: The group of Associate Editors will meet as many times as may be necessary after a meeting has been called in writing by the Management and at least once every three months. The members of the group of Associate Editors may cease to be members due to:

1. Resignation presented to the Editor of the Journal C.G.

2. Revocation by the Department that appointed them.

3. Repeated non-attendance of meetings of the group of Associate Editors: absence from more than 3 meetings or for six months.

4. Not presenting their reasoned opinion about the articles they have to assess or not complying with this obligation in the required time and manner (maximum 15 days from receipt of the article).

5. When, for whatever reason, a member of the group of Associate Editors leaves the group, he/she will be replaced by a new member by the same procedure by which he/she was elected.

Article 25: The Associate Editors have the right and the duty to attend meetings of the Committee that have been validly called by the Secretary of the Committee acting on the orders of the Editor. They also have the right to:

1. Receive the necessary information and documentation for the performance of their functions.

2. Receive travel and board and lodging expenses, to be charged to the Departments, for trips on Journal business. Such expenses must be approved in advance by both Departments and the costs divided fairly between them.

Article 26: Meetings of the group of Associate Editors will be called as follows:

1. Ordinary meetings – at least one meeting to prepare each issue, in other words, twice a year.

2. Extraordinary meetings – when the Editor deems fit, or when a meeting is requested by a minimum of 25% of the members of the group of Associate Editors.

Article 27: The agenda will be decided by the Editor and sent out by the person acting as Secretary.

Announcements of meetings will be notified at least seven calendar days in advance, and will specify the date, place and time of the meeting as called for the first and the second time, and the agenda. The notification will include the minutes of the previous meeting for their approval when applicable, and if necessary the relevant documentation or instructions as to the place and time where this documentation can be consulted.

Article 28: In order for the meeting of the group of Associate Editors to be considered to have been validly constituted at the first calling, an absolute majority of its members must be present. At the second calling, it will be constituted with the presence of at least the Editor, Secretary and one other member.

Article 29: The only questions that may be the subject of deliberations, votes or decisions are those appearing as items on the agenda.

Article 30: Participation in the discussions and voting procedures of the group of Associate Editors may not be delegated.

Article 31: When a member of the group wishes that his/her contributions to the meeting or a part thereof, or those of any other member of the group appears on record in the minutes he/she must provide the text to the Secretary, and this must always be agreed with those present at the meeting.

Article 32: Decisions will be taken by assent or by ordinary voting. A secret vote will be taken whenever a member of the group of Associate Editors so requests.

Article 33: In the minutes of each meeting a record must be made of the names of the group members attending and the decisions taken. The minutes will be read and approved in the next meeting of the group of Associate Editors.


Article 34: The Journal C.G. will have an external Advisory Committee, which will be of a scientific nature and will have between six and thirty members who must all comply with the following requirements:

a)    They must be scientists of national or international renown in one of the fields relating to geography, territorial planning, the environment and related social sciences.

b)   They must be proposed by a majority of the members of the group of Associate Editors.

c)    They must be from outside the University of Granada.

Members will be appointed by the Committee itself, after first being invited to join and expressly accepting the invitation.

Article 35: The scientific Advisory Committee will advise the Associate Editors on questions that it considers relevant or when requested to do so, including among others:

a)    To decide, by issuing the relevant reports requested of them, as to the suitability or otherwise of a piece for publication.

b)   Provide the conditions requested of them by the Associate Editors regarding the changes that when applicable should be made to an original manuscript.

c)    Any other similar functions that could arise from their status as experts.

Article 36: The members of the Advisory Committee will cease to hold this status at their own request or by majority decision of the Associate Editors.


Article 36: The Honorary Committee is a body whose purpose is to acknowledge the significant work done by a particular person in the development and dissemination of the Journal.

Article 37: The Associate Editors will be responsible for appointing the members of the Honorary Committee.


Article 38: By becoming a member of any of the Journal’s committees, said member undertakes to perform his/her functions while abiding by each and every one of the following rules:

a)    The tone and language used must show the maximum respect for all people and institutions, both at meetings and in the communications that take place within the context of Journal business.

b)   Under no circumstances will original manuscripts be used, shown or distributed for any purpose other than those strictly pertaining to the editorial process of the Journal Cuadernos Geográficos.

c)    Due confidentiality will be maintained regarding all the deliberations and decisions that are taken within the context of the Journal whether they have been made public or not.

Article 39: Breach of any of the rules set out in the previous article may be cause for dismissal if the Management Committee deems fit.

Article 40: The regime governing the editorial process and the relations between the Journal and the authors will be that set out in the Author Information Guide that is currently valid at the time. This guide and any updates to it will be available at the Journal’s website.

Article 41: The regime governing the relations between the Journal and external reviewers will be that set out in the Guide for Reviewers that is currently valid at the time. This guide and any updates to it will be available at the Journal's website.



Article 43: The Journal C.G. will be financed in equal parts by the Geography Departments of the University of Granada (Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, and the Department of Human Geography), without prejudice to any grants that may be obtained from the University itself or from other entities or companies.

Article 44: The Annual Budget, presented by the Editor and approved by the Associate Editors will be ratified by the respective committees of the Geography Departments (Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, and the Department of Human Geography) within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the proposal. Should the annual budget not be ratified, alternative proposals or suggestions as to changes will be made by the Committees of said Departments.

The old budget will remain in force until a new budget has been passed.

Article 45: Invoices will be paid directly from the budgets of both departments, once the Management Committees of said Departments have prepared them.

Article 46: Payment of travel and board and lodging expenses will be made fairly by the two departments. Special leave permission and the corresponding settlement document will be signed by the Head of Department, at the proposal of the Editor of the Journal C.G.

Article 47: Neither the reviewing nor the publication of articles, nor the membership of any of the committees of the Journal will entitle those concerned to any form of remuneration.

Article 48: The contents of the electronic edition of the Journal will be published under licence (Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España). They may be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and placed on public display providing that:

a)    The authorship and the original source of publication are cited.

b)   They are not used for commercial purposes.

c)    The existence and the specifications of this licence to use are mentioned.

Article 49: The University of Granada retains the copyright on all published contents and promotes and permits the reuse thereof under the license to use referred to in the previous article.

Article 50: The Journal Cuadernos Geográficos accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the opinions expressed by the authors of the pieces published in the Journal.


Article 51: The current Editor, Secretary and members of the Editorial Committee are considered to have been elected for a period of four years from the ratification of these internal regulations. The Associate Editors will appoint the members of the external Advisory Committee.

Article 52: These internal regulations may be amended at the proposal of the Associate Editors and the Management. A majority vote of the Associate Editors will be required for said amendment to be approved.

Article 53: In the next three months following acceptance of these regulations, the different committees of the Journal must adapt, if possible, to the provisions of its articles.

Article 54: Any questions not referred to in these regulations with regard to the object thereof will be resolved as they arise by the Management and the Associate Editors.

Guide for External Assessment (Referees)



The main objective of this guide is to ensure that the peer-review process undertaken by Cuadernos Geográficos:

  • Guarantees an independent review and the passing-on of constructive comments for the authors presented in a respectful manner.
  • Ensures that the manuscripts present a comprehensible, objective and balanced view of their respective themes.
  • Ensures that the data presented is up-to-date and scientifically available and verifiable.

Confirms that the conclusions or arguments resulting from the research are intelligible and relevant for the discipline.

Instructions about confidentiality and ethical behaviour


All manuscripts are confidential information and reviewers are therefore requested to refrain from showing them to or discussing them with other people, unless it is to ask for their advice on some specific aspect, in this case also maintaining confidentiality.

Ethical behaviour

Cuadernos Geográficos expects that the reviewers taking part in its editorial process shall act as follows:

  • If a reviewer considers that there is another person who is better prepared to assess the relevance and importance of the article, he or she must inform the editorial team.
  • If the reviewer believes that it will be difficult for him or her to make an objective assessment of the article, he or she must inform the editorial team immediately.
  • If the reviewer has had a past or present relationship with any institutions or people related to the manuscript which could give rise to a conflict of interest, they must mention this on the Review Report Form.

Deadline for review

Once the reviewer has accepted the task of assessing a manuscript, he or she must issue a report within one month.

Structure and style of the review reports

Reviewers will issue their reports by completing the Review Report Form, following these guidelines at all times:

  • The peer review process has two main purposes, namely to advise the editorial team as to whether the manuscript should be published and to inform them about the improvements that could be made to it.
  • The reviewer must be aware that his or her job is to provide expert advice to Cuadernos Geográficos with regard to the work done by another fellow scientist, and not to make judgements on it or take decisions. The tone used in these reports must therefore be very respectful towards all the people and institutions concerned.
  • All comments and criticisms must be objective and must not be based merely on differences of opinion or unsupported personal views.
  • Criticisms must always be levelled at the arguments and at the consistency of the information or data presented and must never be directed against the authors.

Information about the different aspects that must be evaluated

Reviewers will evaluate general and specific aspects of the manuscript in order to find out whether the research it describes:

  1. Advances knowledge and is relevant for the field.
  2. Has a suitable level of argumentation and content structure and the quality of writing required in scientific communications.
  3. Is of interest for the Journal’s target audience.


  • The degree of originality of the article.
  • Its importance for the progress of the discipline and when applicable, any other social, cultural or economic implications it may have.


Reviewers will evaluate the specific aspects grouped together in the following sections:

Quality of Writing

Reviewers must evaluate the clarity and precision with which the manuscript has been written both in the body of text and in the headings, abstracts and keywords which must capture the main theme of the research in a clear, unambiguous way.

Length and structure

Reviewers must assess whether the article is structured into logical sections in order to convey the information efficiently and whether any of these sections should be lengthened, shortened or deleted.

Methodology and clarity

In this section, reviewers must assess whether the right analytical criteria and methods have been chosen and whether the research process has been described with the necessary clarity to enable the work to be repeated by another qualified researcher.

Results and conclusions

Reviewers must assess whether the most important arguments and results are clearly identified within the manuscript and whether the conclusions arise from the analysis of these arguments and results.

Citations and references

In this section the reviewers must assess whether all the citations and references used in the text are relevant and up-to-date.


Reviewers must indicate if they know of any other research work published or to be published with identical or very similar content to that of the manuscript they are evaluating.



  • Editorial Universidad de Granada

Journal History

Cuadernos Geográficos is a scientific journal edited since 1971 under sponsorship of the Departments of Geography of the University of Granada (Spain). It accepts unpublished research on the relationship between the society and the territory, as contributions to the development of the Geographical Science in any their areas of knowledge, as well chronicles, notes and bibliographical on the geographical activity in any place of the world and, in particular, in Spain and Andalusia, Latin America and the Mediterranean countries. The selection process of original manuscripts is ruled by system of external and anonymous evaluation (blind peer review). The style guidelines can be found at the end of every issue of the joumal. Cuadernos Geográficos is index-linked in the following databases. ISOC,URBADISCGEODADOSGEOBASE (Elsevier), LATINDEXREDALyC. It is edited half-yearly, so much in support paper as electronic (direct access., It alternates ordinary and extraordinary numbers of monographic character that, since January 2000, they follow the ordinary numeration.