https://doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v57i.26400Palabras clave:
Entrevista con el profesor John ZeleznikowResumen
Entrevista con el profesor John Zeleznikow, Catedrático de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
en la Universidad de Victoria (Australia) y profesor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Trobe (Australia).
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Zeleznikow, J. (2002). Using web-based legal decision support systems to improve access to justice." Information & Communications Technology Law 11 (1), 15-33.
Zeleznikow, J. (2017). Don't fear robo-justice. Algorithms could help more people access legal advice, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/dont-fear-robo-justice-algorithms-could-help-more-people-access-legal-advice-85395. (Última visita 12 de octubre de 2022).
Zeleznikow, J. (2019) Reflections on My Journey in Using Information Technology to Support Legal Decision Making -From Legal Positivism to Legal Realism. Law in Context, 2019, 80-92. https://doi.org/10.26826/law-in-context.v36i1.89
Zeleznikow, J. (2020). Rules as Code’ will let computers apply laws and regulations. But over-rigid interpretations would undermine our freedoms. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/rules-as-code-will-let-computers-apply-laws-and-regulations-but-over-rigid-interpretations-would-undermine-our-freedoms-149992. (Última visita 12 de octubre de 2022)
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