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  • María Guadalupe Sánchez Robles Universidad de Guadalajara
Vol. 29 (2014): Récits de Voyages et Gender dans Les Amériques (1830-1850) Une Esthétique de l’ambigüité, Dossier, pages 393-414
Submitted: Dec 18, 2014 Published: Dec 18, 2014


An analytical approach to eight chronicle-letters that the Mexican writer Laura Méndez de Cuenca (born in the nineteenth century and witness to the turn of the twentieth century) sends from San Francisco, California, to the Guadalajara’s newspaper El Mercurio, between 1893 and 1894. She offers a wide range of impressions, novelties and observations full of freshness and curiosity in her collaborations about the culture she comes into contact with. The purpose of this essay is to elucidate how certain signic elements such as women, money, the United States of America and the general characteristics of fixed syntagmas shown in the text itself represents textuality. The aspects chosen for their study four fundamental concerns: hierarchy, biology, religion and moral.

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