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  • Sol Villaceque Professeur de Chaire Supérieure / Institut de sociocritique de Montpellier
Vol. 26 (2011): Edmond Cros: Teoría y Práctica Sociocríticas, Aplicaciones sociocríticas y otros estudios, pages 367-404
Submitted: Oct 2, 2014 Published: Oct 2, 2011


From the primordial Unity, Platonism and Judeo-Christianity invented the separation of genders in the western world, from which hetero/homosexual combinations of the masculine and the feminine derived. as a close observer of the mysteries of sex, Dali boldly used his body to represent the flow of mental images structured around his psychic bisexuality. His intersexual variations defy the law of gender, summoning the hermaphrodite and the androg yne, both considered as sacred hybrids, and testifying to an anxious quest of his own identity. Gala's  unexpected  arrival  started  a  process  of  self-divinisation  of  the  couple, mediated by the Catholic erotic mystique and the Greco-latin  ideal of beauty. at  the end of the cycle of metamorphoses, armed with the paranoiac-critical instrument, Dali went back to the original Unity: through the coming together of the Divine Twins in one body, one soul, he succeeds in merging the myths of Hermaphroditus and Narcissus.

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