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  • María José García Hernández Universidad de Granada. Académie de Grenoble
Vol. 31 No. 1 (2016), Artículos, pages 107-131
Submitted: Feb 4, 2017 Published: Feb 4, 2017


The article analyzes the opposing semiotics present in two poems that belong to the book of Félix Grande Música amenazada. The study focuses on the opposition music and silences that functions as a semiotic vortex. This vortex structures the mediations between the text itself and the social context of the time when the work was produced. In this sense, the poetic expression transcribes to a collective consciousness and a criticism of the social repression expressed not only through semantics but also through the materiality of poetic discourse. Therefore, the threat mentioned in the title gains a social and political dimension that transcribes the tensions experienced at the time of production.

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