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  • Jeanne Raimond
Vol. 30 (2015): Homenaje a Annie Bussière Perrin, Artículos de varia lección, pages 515-541
Submitted: Oct 7, 2015 Published: Oct 7, 2015


Having brought to the fore the ambiguities and licentiousness woven into la Vida with regard to the models of Marian and hagiographic literature, we will question the way this text deals with the particular relation women entertain with sin and redemption. After many a straying, the singularity of the Egyptian’s spiritual renewal goes first through her imitation of Christ, then through her con- sistency with the models of Mother Confessor and spiritual guide she plays the role of. Thus, she will entrust a monk to spread the narrative that tells the story of her life. In this first Castilian version of the Vida de santa María Egipcíaca, the sinner, all decked out with every virtue –male ones– appears as a figure of seigneurial renewal.

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