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  • Théophile Koui
Vol. 30 (2015): Homenaje a Annie Bussière Perrin, Dossier: Juan Goytisolo, pages 139-159
Submitted: Oct 7, 2015 Published: Oct 7, 2015


Reivindicación del Conde don Julián aims to be an iconoclastic act. This novel raises the problem of cultural identity by challenging significantly the traditionalist stand that draws on exclusionary concepts only – born Christian, purity of blood, etc. Álvaro, the hero of the novel by identifying himself with a  character perceived as a tracks by the Spanish Nationalist, suggests that the recognition of others as a basic need for the construction of human society. This construction cannot be achieved on the basic of a unique cultural norm, rather should support the alluvium that carries the story other.

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